Eric Cartman 3D model

South Park character, built with Spline.

December 29, 2022

Once in a while I enjoy creating illustrations for fun - they’re a great way for me to decompress my brain, especially from a long day of coding. I am not a professional at this; just something I dabble in purely out of curiosity.

I’ve been curious about Spline for a while now and planned to try it out during my Christmas vacation. I think it’s a bit questionable that some of the intro tutorials from the official Spline docs were marked as introductory. Even at a reduced playback speed I still had trouble following the video. It assumes some previous knowledge. I decided I would try and learn some of the functions myself by creating small simple things.

The first thing I tried was to create a donut since it has simple shapes and is easy to make. Once I felt more confident I tackled creating Eric Cartman. While creating the basic shapes was easy enough, the challenge was in orienting the objects in 3D space relative to each other - when superimposing an object over another, check all angles to ensure that they are actually contacting each other, rather than an illusion created by the space.

Why Eric Cartman, of all the characters out there? For no particular reason, other than I’ve been watching a handful of South Park re-runs and thought he would be the most fun to try modeling.